What Has Constantinople to do with Mosul–or Facebook?

Since I started this blog on July 9, 2017, replacing Mahdiwatch, I’ve tried to make good on its description as encompassing “culture, geopolitics and religion”–and of course focusing on Islamic eschatology (my academic area of expertise) whenever that topic revealed itself in the news. But today marks the first time I can adduce recent venues in which I opined on all three, AND zero in on Islamic eschatology, in one fell swoop.

Culture: On May 29 the inestimable Pete Turner’s “Break It Down Show” covered social media bias against conservatives.  He interviewed me and the co-founder of Wikipedia, Dr. Larry Sanger. I discussed my shadow-banning on Facebook (leading to my quitting that platform entirely), and the clear pro-Islam tilt in social media.

Geopolitics: On June 5 I was interviewed by Kip Allen on KFUO radio (St. Louis)–the flagship station of the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod (my denomination).  The program was “World Lutheran News Digest” and the specific topic was “Aftermath of the Fall of Constantinople.”

Religion: On June 2  the crowd-sourced, online analytical shop Wikistrat published my article “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi–Back from Occultation,” in which I analyzed what his reappearance means, and what future directions ISIS might take.


Here’s the guy whose line I plagiarized for this blogpost title.

2 thoughts on “What Has Constantinople to do with Mosul–or Facebook?

  1. Bill DiPuccio

    Glad to see you are still posting, Tim! Your presence on FB is missed. I signed up to get email notifications.


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