Shelter from the Storm? Muhammad Recommends Arabia….

Yesterday I chanced upon on article entitled “4 Areas Recommended by the Prophet Muhammad to Live in Before the Apocalypse.” It’s on the website Ruetir, which bills itself as a “Professional News Website Platform.” It’s apparently Muslim, based on the content and the byline for this particular piece being Jakarta; but I cannot find any more information about Ruetir.

The piece says that according to Islam’s founder, presumably drawing upon hadiths (traditions and/or sayings attributed to him), the four best places to ride the eschatological storm out will be:

  • Mecca
  • Medina
  • Yemen
  • Sham (traditionally Syria, but here said to include Palestine, Lebanon and Jordan, as well)

Specifically, Mecca will be protected by angels. Medina will “shake three times” and expel non-Muslims. Yemen counterintuitively makes the list, despite it not being an Islamic holy site. And [al-]Sham (the Levant, to Westerners) is here because of some traditions the Dajjal, the “deceiving messiah,” will be killed there. Curiously, there’s nothing about the Mahdi’s End Time activities mentioned, however. Wouldn’t a Muslim want to be where he’ll show up?

Isa (Jesus) fighting the Dajjal, from “Al-Masih_ad-Dajjal,” Wikipedia (Accessed 8.31.23)

If you’re not Muslim, you might be better off looking at other locales. One recent global list reads as if written by an Anglosphere travel booker: New Zealand, Iceland, the UK (?), Australia (On the Beach, anyone?) and Ireland. For us Yanks, survivalists say the best bets are the Rocky Mountain West, remote parts of New England, and eastern Kentucky.

The latter two lists rely on data like food and water availability, population density, distance from potential nuclear targets, etc. The first list relies solely on Islamic traditions.

You be the judge. But Arabia might be a target-rich environment in WWIII–and after.

2 thoughts on “Shelter from the Storm? Muhammad Recommends Arabia….

  1. Charles H. Rieper

    As you mentioned in your recent quoting from “Jeremiah Johnson,” it doesn’t matter if we believe it. It matters if they believe it.

    The Middle East is the last place I’d want to be in a global conflagration, apocalyptic or not!

    Liked by 1 person

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