My Muse Has Laboured Over Shakespeare

This site is billed as focusing on “culture, geopolitics and religion–particularly Islamic eschatology.” Since my last half-dozen posts have been on that latter topic, I thought I’d throw some (Western) culture back into the mix; specifically, Shakespeare.

In the last 15 months, I’ve published five articles on the Bard over at The Stream:

Send Prospero Back to the Island” (September 2, 2023)

“‘Henry IV Part I:’ When the Personal First became Political” (July 27, 2023)

When It’s Not Good to be King” [On Julius Caesar] (June 30, 2023)

Was Shakespeare a Christian Writer?” (June 23, 2023)

The Play’s the Thing–to Bring Us Together” (July 31, 2022)

In addition, back in 2018 I wrote a LONG post (about 3000 words), “Dictator or Deliverer? Applying Shakespeare to Trump.

Check these out. As I caveatted in one of the above articles, I’m just a history PhD and amateur thespian masquerading as a Shakespeare analyst. But at least I don’t subject you to any post-modern drivel. (Except insofar as to critique it.)

Yours truly during summer 2022 rehearsals for Henry IV Part 1.

[The title quote is from Othello, Act III, Scene 1.]